Why satan attacks family

Why satan attacks family

Church was always family oriented. We can see this like a pattern throughout the entire Bible.

Think about the very first church described in the book of Genesis. It is Adam and Eve. They receive the blessing of the Lord so that they can multiply and pass this blessing unto future generations. The Word of God is present in the midst of them. The Holy church of God, his bride. It is in this garden of Eden, where they are both in their love and God is in between them and in them.

Then we have Noah. He is saved altogether with his wife and their sons and their wives. Also all forms of animals are also saved with them. It is Noah’s family that worship God after they found a dry land to settle. The altar that is described in detail is the altar to the only true God who saved them.

When Abram is called out of the land of Ur he begins his pilgrimage together with his wife Sara, his brother Lot and their family and servants. He takes his tribe, the people he loves and cares about. The people who believe and worship the same God as Abraham, the father of nations does.

There are many other examples in the New Testament. Jesus points the importance of family matters by addressing them frequently in his teachings. He speaks on marriage (Mt. 22), on children (Mt. 19:14), on family (Mt. 12:48). Jesus said unto them:

“Can the children of the bridechamber mourn, as long as the bridegroom is with them?”, Mt. 9:15

Apostle Paul addresses the Fathers, wives and children in his letters. (Col. 3)

Apostle John writes to the fathers, to the youth, to the children of God. (1 J. 2:13-14) He writes to the church as if he was writing to a family:

“My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous: And he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world.” 1 J. 2:1-2

This gives fathers a particular responsibility for the course of their arks, for sharing the gospel with their families in the first place. The title of being “the father” of a family speaks a lot about the responsibility. What grace it is that fathers in a sense share the title of God. He is the only Father who is in heaven after all.

May it be a testimony to the gospel that we are given everything with the gift of grace that is received in Jesus Christ. The cup of salvation is full.

It is therefore the husbands responsibility to keep the boat they are provided with by God himself. Patriarchate needs to be kept for it was always husband’s responsibility for it. Adam responds before God for the action of sin, Noah is who constructs the ark, Abram commands going out of the familiar homeland and trusting into God’s promise. They all hold this in common the gospel of trusting in God alone.

There is of course the incredible role of women as wives. It is non-negligent. They bare the fruit of family’s love, the children who are the blessing from God. You see it is all perfect when there is God in a family. When God bonds a family it becomes THE FAMILY. The family of God is his church, his bride, his people. A family of God is a stronghold where all members pray for each other and every word of God is consumed by this family for it is the bread of heaven that they live for every day. Children are blessing to the family of course as they are the source of joy and happiness for all. The family of God is a fountain of love. This is the true, biblical meaning of family.

Therefore our prayers should be for all the families in the world that they may hear the gospel and find the joy and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the hope we find in His resurrection. That families stay united and strong in Christ. I pray that there may be peace in the world in this difficult times. May God have mercy upon us.
In Jesus name.


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