Open Letter from Our Ministry

Open Letter from Our Ministry

Dear Friends,

It has been a few weeks in which myself, Marta, Michal and Jakub were trying our best to be at your service during these hard times. We are thankful for all the support and kind words we receive and remain at your service. We will do so as long as God provides us with health. There is one particular matter that I need to make you aware of.

I admit we did not put our love to you all on lockdown. We cannot do that. During these times God was using us in many different and wonderful ways and we are very grateful for all the work He had done. We preached the gospel to more people then ever, fed homeless and needy, gave away many Bibles. Our online ministry has also exploded with enormous demand. Truly we are blessed and all the glory to our God who can use His servants even in times of tribulation such as this.

I believe at the time when we are bombarded with negative news by the media and no services of worship, it is essential for us, believers to support each other by prayers, but also sharing what God has put on our hearts. This was my intention from the very beginning.

We were attaching every week messages that inspired us in our home Bible studies. Before I prepared every message we spent many hours in prayers and in the Word of God. I was sharing what the Father has provided us.

These messages became an integral part of our family’s ministry to the church of our Lord Jesus Christ. Please forgive me if at any point I was unfaithful or erred, but I do not think I did. My conscience is clean and in my heart I am convinced these messages are truthful and firmly rooted in the Word of God.

I need you to know that I sent these messages to the current pastor. He does not agree with my position, in particular with the message attached to this letter. I obey God rather then men, but I respect all people and I cannot disregard such a feedback. That is why I write to every one of you, to make you aware these messages are not approved by the governing body. I respect that and I have no intention to create divisions or uproot the new pastor. 

I will continue writing these messages, but if you do not wish to receive them, can I please ask you to let me know and I will immediately stop getting them to you – no question asked and no offence taken. I look forward to hearing from you on this matter.

Yours in Christ,

Radek & Marta


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