It Is Impossible (Mt. 14:15-36)

It Is Impossible (Mt. 14:15-36)

There were 5,000 men with women and children who were fed according to the Scriptures. We can estimate that all-together there were 20,000 people. It is impossible that 20,000 people were fed with 5 loaves and 2 fishes and 12 baskets of food were leftover.

And so it is also impossible that a person can walk upon water. Or that a man who was born blind can see. Or that a virgin would give birth to a child. It is impossible that streams of water can flow from a rock after it is hit with a rod, as described in the book of Moses. Or that food can fall from heaven on the desert, like manna which fed the Israelites when they journeyed from Egypt to the promised land. Or that someone can be taken up to heaven in the flesh like Elijah, Enoch, or Lord Jesus. It is also impossible that the world was spoken into existence in 6 human days, as described in the book of Genesis.

lasarus raisedResurrection from the dead is also impossible. We read about Lazarus who heard the words of the Lord: ‘Come forth Lazarus’ (John 11) and he woke up from the dead. Or the man from Nain, who heard the words of the Lord: ‘Young man, I say unto thee, Arise’ (Luke 7:14). Or that dead damsel who was brought back to life hearing Lord’s command ‘Talitha cumi’ (Mk. 5:41). Or the young man who felt through the window in the book of Acts and was found dead and was brought back to life. It is also impossible that Elisha brought back the son of Shunammite woman (2 Kings 4). And after all: of course it is also impossible that Jesus rose again on the third day!

Yet, all these things happened.

“And Jesus looking upon them saith, With men it is impossible, but not with God: for with God all things are possible.” Mk. 10:27

How do we explain the miracles then? We don’t. We can’t. We have to remember that what is impossible for man, is absolutely and beyond any doubt possible for our God. All these miracles were performed and documented that we may believe that there is nothing impossible for God. Once at a conference I had a pleasure to listen to an American evangelist, Voddie Baucham. He presented a very good definition of why we should believe the Bible:

“The Bible is a reliable collection of historical documents written by eyewitnesses during the lifetime of other eyewitnesses. They report supernatural events that took place in the fulfillment of specific prophecies and claimed that their writings are divine rather than human in origin.”

The Bible is a historic book. It is set upon events that we can verify and refer to and we know that the historical context is beyond any question. We just read in verse that there were 5,000 man with woman and children, who were fed. The fact that there were children in the crowd is very significant for historical reasons. Most historians acknowledge that all the gospels were written within the first few decades after Lord’s death and resurrection. We can assume that many of these 20,000 people who witnessed this event were still alive when the gospel was written. If that was not true, one of the witnesses would surely stand up and say it did not happen. This is how historical documents and evidences are verified. So the historical account of the Bible is real and trustworthy.

But why is God presenting all these miracles in the Old and New Testaments? Why is He doing that which is impossible? It is so that we may believe that there is nothing impossible for Him. Now, let me tell you what is the biggest miracle of all. It is man’s salvation. It is a miracle that the righteous God is willing to forgive me my sins. Forgiveness is against righteousness. It is antagonistic. You cannot be forgiving and righteous at the same time. It is impossible.

God judgementImagine I rob a bank and I stand before the judge. And I tell him: judge, yes I robbed the bank, but, I also helped an elder woman to get across the street. That was a good deed and I have many more to show you, so can you let me go? Of course not! You robbed the bank. You are a criminal and you go to jail! That is righteousness.

And that is our position. We have broken God’s law and His righteousness demands that we are punished. No amount of good deeds can ever help us go to heaven. It is illogical, yet God did a miracle and He is willing to forgive us our sins. A sinner like me deserves nothing but eternal separation from God. It is impossible that a sinner may come to God. But God made the impossible. He made Christ our righteousness. This is how He saved us.

“To declare, I say, at this time his righteousness: that he might be just, and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus.” Rom. 3:26

There is something that strikes us immediately as impossible in these words. It seems a contradiction, for it cannot be that He is both just and the justifier. Yet this is possible through the gospel of Jesus Christ. It is a miracle and the biggest work God ever made visible to human’s race!

What happened after the feeding of 20,000 men? Lord Jesus went alone in the wilderness. He went to stay alone and to pray. We know that it is not the only time that he went to pray. It was important for Him to maintain this personal relationship with God. Lord Jesus sets an example for us. We too should frequently go into the wilderness and pray. God frequently gives us words to use and explains the meaning of His Word, when we are alone with Him.

Let us take a moment to look at the disciples in the time when the Lord prays. They are in the midst of the sea in a ship which is tossed by the waves for the wind is contrary. They are battling and struggling. They are trying to push the ship forward. It is dark, it is night and the waves and the wind are strong. They are frightened already. It is the 4th watch of the night. It means that it was the last quarter of the night. The night was split into 4 watches, the last one was between 3AM and 6AM. The sunrise is close. We can imagine how tired and scared are the disciples at this point. They started their journey at the evening of previous day. They seem to be stuck in a limbo. Yet, they see something that troubles them even more. Here is the Lord walking on the sea. They immediately shout out: It is a spirit! They know that what they see is impossible.

Yet, immediately they receive the word of comfort. The Lord tells them: ‘Be of good cheer, it is I, be not afraid’. And Peter answered Him and said: ‘if it be thou, bid me come to thee on the water.’ He is looking for a sign of confirmation. Make me do the impossible! Make me to come to you upon water. And Jesus says: ‘Come’. Peter starts walking upon water to go to Jesus. As long as he looks up to Him, he is safe and can walk. But the very moment he surrenders to the fear of the world, he sees that scary sea and the big waves. He begins to drow. Then he immediately cries out: “Lord, save me”.

“And immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand, and caught him, and said unto him, O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?” v. 31

peter jesus waterRescue comes without any delay. Immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand. ‘Lord, save me’. Have you noticed what a wonderful short prayer it is? The gospel gives us a wonderful assurance that the Lord is only waiting for us to call him. How often in our lives the only thing we are capable of doing is to pray: ‘Lord, save me’. We know how powerless we are and that the only thing that can save us indeed is that wonderful hand of Jesus stretching forth to us. He is reaching out willing to catch me!

There is not only rescue for Peter. There is also council. “O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?” The source of all of our trouble is the lack of faith. When they came to the ship, the wind ceased. The Lord is reigning above all the calamities. When you are with him in the boat, you are safe.

We also read about the reaction of the other disciples who stayed in the ship. They came and worshipped him saying: “Of a truth thou art the Son of God.” The miracle was performed that God may be glorified through His Son Jesus Christ. You worship Jesus by coming to Him. You worship Him by praising the truth. This is what the disciples acknowledge: of a truth thou art the Son of God.

Finally, in the land of Gennesaret, they brought unto him all that were diseased. “And besought him that they might only touch the hem of his garment: and as many as touched were made perfectly whole.”

You too can be made perfectly whole. The same healing is available today right now. This hem of garment which you can touch today is there for you. I will show it to you. It is right here on the page you have open in your Bible. The hem of the garment of Lord Jesus. It stands out as a single word if you have a red-font Bible. In verse 29, the Lord says: “COME”. If you only can believe that God is willing to forgive you your sins, that he is calling you to take away your yoke of sin, that he had done that which was impossible by sacrificing his only begotten Son for the sins of the world and that he brought him back to life on the third day, you are saved. You are healed. You are perfectly whole.

Because that’s what it means to repent. It is to believe in that magnificent word ‘Come’, that God is calling you to turn to Him for salvation. It is now your privilege to call unto him like Peter did: “Lord, save me”.

“And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.” Rev. 22:17

Dear God, I pray that thou would make the impossible today. That we would hear your voice calling us to come. That we would know thy truth, that Jesus Christ truly is the Son of God who died for our sins and who rose again on the third day. Amen.


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