About us

We are a Polish Christian family living in North Wales, one of the most picturesque regions of Great Britain. The studies on this page come from our home meetings with the Word of God. At the beginning of our path, following the Lord Jesus, we used the Polish translation of the Warsaw Bible, for several years we have felt a deep need for a more literal and direct translation. Since we started using the King James Authorised Version and Gdańsk Bible (Polish), our relationship with the Lord is much deeper.

We have no theological education. When writing texts, we always rely on the light of Jesus Christ and the leading of the Holy Spirit. In prayer, we are asking the Lord for help in transmitting the good news, referring to the words of the apostle Paul: “That I may make it manifest, as I ought to speak” (Col. 4: 4) If someone would like to read Radek’s personal history of conversion, we invite you here:

How Jesus Found Me in the Wilderness

We will accept all comments with humble heart. At the same time, we will be very happy if this site seems helpful to someone or simply inspires us to search deeply.

It is our great desire that the gospel of Jesus Christ be preached in all the ends of the earth, that every man in the world would be able to know God’s power and glory.





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